So...Here's The Deal...

This Blog was started for one purpose....and that is to have NO particular purpose. It's my outlet to write, without any form, for any particular purpose. Some entries may seem incomplete, or have no beginning, or ending...and thats EXACTLY how i wanted it...

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Its Official.  I'm adjusting my Europe Vacation, by 2 that I can stop by New York City, on my way to Europe and stand in Wall Street to exercise my right as an American to protest the enormous Financial Crisis that this country is facing...this movement will go down in history, and its exciting to know I will have been Wall Street.  I will hold a sign, that says... SPACE ON THIS SIGN FOR RENT. :)

1 comment:

  1. I agree it will go down in history for sure and good to see another person get involved. I'm standing in solidarity myself with the movement from afar but it looks like it will be in all the cities soon. So I will have one closer to go too! Doing everything I can to support those out there and hope everyone else does too!

    Have a great day and great trip.
